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I'm Ready for Heaven

Writer's picture: hender7bhhender7bh

Prophet of God write this down!

Most think: I go to church one in a while and I’m a good person, I’m ready for heaven! Although the Bible says: do not forsake your assembly together; but it not mandatory. But Jesus commands that we love one another. Because love is perfect when we love others as ourself we become perfect, the only ones: that will be allowed in heaven! because Jesus said his church is perfect, without spot or wrinkle, we must remember, Jesus was God: the second person of the Trinity, and omnipotent, which means unlimited power or authority, if you would asked, one million people for the definition of love, you would get 1 million definition. This needs to be answered, by God and God tells us first Corinthian 13 1-13, “If I speak in the tongues of men and angels, but have not love, I am only resounding gong or a clanging cymbal, if I have the gift prophecy and can fathom all mysteries and all knowledge and if I have faith that move mountains, but have not love, I have nothing. If I give all my possess to the poor, and surrender, my body to the flames, but have not love. I gain nothing. Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. It not rude, it keeps no record of wrongs. Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with truth. When I was 10 years old my grandfather was 88 years old, on my dad side, and my dad whip me with his belt, and I could tell he was showing off, for his dad, and my grandfather told him, I was the best child you have! My grandfather was a true believer, who was a business man that was a farmer, and own a feed and grain store, and. When he told one of his sons to do something, and they did not do it, he whip them, because as a farmer everyone had to do their jobs or assignment, or they all go bankrupt. But what he was saying to my dad, was you did not understand, I discipline you, because you disobey me, and your son pulls his own weight, you should be praising him, not disciplining him for doing his work. My grandfather was born in 1866, and they did not have schools, so he had to use his common sense to get by, he was like Abraham Lincoln that was self taught, and could read the Holy Bible, but could not read a newspaper, he told me when he was 8 years old, he went to a brushfire meeting and a circuit preacher would come thru and preach, and that preacher said; “God can do anything you can believe” and he said to himself, I want to read the Holy Bible like that preacher, and he would read the Bible to me, when I was small, and later in life, I thought to myself, how that preacher must have been able to pronounce words, that most have trouble with. Because my Grandfather could pronounce words that University professors would mispronounce. Because he prayed and believed. You have to understand my dad pride, had overcome his love for his son. Pride was the first great sin. Satan had been created beautiful with great wisdom. He was put in charge of all the angels, and he thought  he could do a better job than God of running the universe, so God decided to use him, to push against his love for all mankind, so he just had his prophet warn all men against him, by telling us that pride is a sin that must be guard against, that why it was prophesied that Elijah and Moses spirits would be resurrected in the last days Elijah has already come as John the Baptist, they will come as wittiness, and one thing we all know about Moses, is that he was the most humble man of the earth, and we know that pride make us think, were more important than we are, it make us think were better than some one else, that we have all the answers, you see because of my dads pride, he had over correct everything I did, because when he was getting close to his end of life, and told me, that he knew that he was hard on me, all my life, but he knew how hard the world was, and he was trying to prepare me for it, and I knew that the Holy Spirt had told me that Adolf Hitler, and Joseph Stalin both had dads like mine, and that why: they both become dictators. Because of their pride, they were always trying to prove their selves worthy. So my dad was chosen to humble me. So that the Holy Spirit could use me as his anointed prophet. Many times God will give me a teaching, that I never knew, and I would think, that was just revealed to me, and I would say to the Holy Spirt, does this teaching line up the with the whole Bible? because I Know that he wrote the Holy Bible; thru his annointed Holy servants, which means: they all loved other as themselves. You see the Holy Spirit cannot use anyone who is not perfect. So we have to love others as ourselves, even those who hate us, so we have to pray for those who call us profane names, and try to take all our resources. Please read behold the lion of the tribe of Judah! We think we can do something it secrecy, but the Holy Spirit know our every thought our every desire, that why my ministry is dangerous to the evil of the devil, when complete strangers see me tell someone that I have never seen, or talk to anyone about, and I tell them things that there is no way I would know, but the Holy Spirit, know everything about everyone. What most don’t realize God has given everyone a conscience, but when our conscience becomes seared, so he has also given us a soul, and our soul remember everything: and only God has access to the soul, and who ever he reveal it to, just think Moses was approx. 1400 years before Jesus Christ Moses was a prophet and a teacher, and was humble because he knew he could not do any miracles by himself, and knew, and believe in a God with unlimited power. And when people see my ministry they are convicted, because they know that it supernatural, because they know, no man could know; that unless the Holy Spirit revealed that to them, and I’m just an ordinary man, and they have to decide, to except Jesus as their God and Lord, and it easier, to just ignore them, and the Holy Spirit, but when they ignore the Holy Spirit that what we call blaspheme against the Holy Spirit, which means they have spoken irreverently about God and sacred things! what most don’t understand, the gifts of the Holy Spirit is to glorify the son of man, Jesus Christ, not a servant or ordinary person, so they take it out on his servant, which is why they are inflicted with fire, because love come out of my mouth, you see I’m telling what I see in my spirit, and that come from my heart of love, and just like it says in Rev 11:5 it talking about the Lord two witnesses “If anyone tries to harm them, fires comes from their mouths and devours their enemies. This is how anyone who wants to harm them must die.” The one who try to harm these two witness, fire come from the Holy Spirit, devours them, these are the religious people, who think they know; more than God, like the Devil, they also know more than Jesus on how to run his church, the Holy Spirit know how hard it is to believe in miracle, so he reveals what wrong with someone so they will have faith to be healed and he know, and when we love other as our selves, now were apart of the church. Not a building made with brick and mortar but with love. The Bible tells us in mat 13:10-13 when Jesus disciple wanted to know why Jesus spoke in parables He replied. “The knowledge of the secrets of the kingdom of heaven has been given to you, but not them. Whoever has will be given more, and he will have abundance. Whoever does not have, even what he has will be taken from him. This is why I speak to them in parables: Though seeing, they do not see; though hearing they do not hear or understand. In them is fulfilled the prophecy of Isaiah: You will be ever hearing but never understanding; you will be ever seeing but never perceiving. For the people’s heart has become calloused; they hardly hear with their ears, and they have closed their eyes. Otherwise they might see with their eyes, hear with their ears, understand with their hearts and turn and I would heal them.” I have been one of most abuse and disdained person on earth, after all when you find out the duties of the prophet of fire, he called the prophet of fire, because when Moses was introduced to God, He seen a burning Bush, that was on fire but not destroyed, and after Jesus bought his church, by giving his life on a cross, the devil sent imposters, to claim they were the church, and their duty  was to make mankind think, they were the true church, but our Lord Jesus was smart then the devil, because Jesus give a commandment, that you would know his church, because they would love one another. So I call it a cult; because Jesus gave us the Holy Bible, that was written by the Holy Spirit, that used ordinary men, to write his Bible; under the inspiration of the Holy Spirit, if you read the new testament, the pharisees and scribes are the jewish leaders are that are the educated, that was always trying to trap Jesus with misunderstandings, and today these cults are doing the something to his church by saying another denomination, is teaching false hoods’ because their teaching is different then theirs, for instance in the Bible, will always agree with all other books in the Bible. We must understand, if we misplace a common or a period, let me quote Rev 22:18 “ I warn everyone who hears the words of the prophecy of this book: if anyone adds anything to them, God will add to him the plagues described in this book. And if anyone takes words away from this book of prophecy, God will take away from him his share in the tree of life in the holy city, which are described in this book. Now read the thirteen chapter of Revelation, that described the anti church and anti Christ, I have always been a very curious person, I could not wait to start kindergarten because my odder sister had told me, that they would allow you to ask questions, but when I start school, there were 43 children in my class, and we were not allowed to ask questions. And my dad would whip me for asking what he called dumb questions, and after I give my life to Jesus Christ, I found I could ask anything I wanted from the Holy Spirit, he was was always polite, and courteous, and answer me with love, telling me anything, and everything, and soon I found myself an evangelist, and with the Holy Spirit did not tell me what to teach on, I would open the Bible to the book of Revelation, and read a scripture, knowing that the Holy Spirit would teach on that scripture, and I would hear his words coming out of my mouth; words that I would hear, and learn, from his teaching, After all does it not say in Revelation 1:3 “Blessed is the one who reads the words of this prophecy, and blessed are those who hear it and take to heart what is written in it, because the time is near.” Many times I would be introduced as a man of great faith, and I would think to myself I have no faith, the Holy Spirit would show me in my Spirit where someone was sick or hurting and I knew it, that was the gift of knowledge, and not faith, you see I knew the Holy Spirit was going to heal them, because he show me, that knowing not faith, but as I write this, I realize that was faith, in the Holy Spirit, not my self, faith that he love me and his church, and that he was not like my dad, but he as closer than a brother, that no matter how dumb my question was, he would never humiliate me, but always make me feel smart; for asking, and love me because he was sent by Jesus who had to die for him to come. Just as the witnesses how important they are. They will bring all three religions that Abraham saw together. Moses spirit will bring them together in faith as the thirteenth tribe of Israel. That is the reason the devil is hindered and lied to keep from us. So I as everyone who believes in Jesus Christ to please lift up all of Jesus’ ministries. Just as Abraham prayed for all his children, pray for all his ministries.                      


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