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REV 5:5

WHICH SYMBOLIZE Judah’s power, bravery, and success in battles in leadership of his descendants. The tribe of Judah is only one of two tribes that wasn’t conquered, or scattered. The same tribe that king David and king Solomon come from. The same tribe that was prophesied that the Messiah would come out of. Then we have John the Revelator prophesying to us in Rev 5:5 saying: “Do not weep, Behold the Lion of the tribe of Judah, the Root of David, has prevailed to open the scroll and loose its seven seals.”

Now ask yourself why would an elder tell John not to weep? Because John is known as the Apostle of love and he was seeing the devastation of what was about to come upon the earth in order to fight back. They needed to open the seven seals; given good over evil. The Prayer Bowls which are made up of the prayer of the saint, and Holiness, and rightness of God’s martyrs from the beginning of time and God’s anger.

There is only one from the foundations of the earth and heavens that is qualified to open the seven seals, and that is the one who gave his life on a wooden cross for all mankind. The reason we know this; Rev 8, “When He opened the seventh seal, there was silence in heaven for about half hour.” And we know that Heaven is very jubilant with great joy, satisfaction, a triumphant place. Everyone there is so happy to be there. I know because Jesus came to my home in the year 2000 to call me to be a Prophet. It was winter outside, and when I was with him, I did not want Him to leave. His presence was warmth. I always liked a wood fire because it is a solid fire. I am not sure, but I believe it was president Nixon that always wanted a fire in the fireplace in the White House even in the summer, but in the presence of Jesus I felt the warmth from His presence. Heat radiated to me, to every pore of my body. Then He complimented me; of my integrity, and I felt so guilty that I had to tell Him I did not like his church. He replied, ‘No’ you love my church, then reminded me how the religious people had lied, and hounded him, and how his own disciples came to him to try to talk Him out of doing what He was destined to do. Remember Him saying in John 13:8, “No, said Peter, you shall never wash my feet.” Jesus was teaching that we must all humble ourselves and love others as ourselves, and be a servant and try not to be ruler. My grandfather used to also say, we reap what we sow, which is found in Galatians 6:7-9.

The fires in California are from the seeds of rebellion and hatred of God’s children because the Democrats were Trump-proofing their state from President Trump’s mass deportation. The Democrats instructed FEMA officials not to go to any home that had a Trump sign in their yard in North Carolina and Tenn that had damage to their homes or property. Many had lost everything. If you look at a map of the fires that are destroying homes that are hundred of millions of dollars homes, the majority votes are Democratic. And the insurance companies, just before the fires, canceled everyone’s home fire insurance by Trump-proofing their state, they will lose all federal aid unless the state backs out or rescinds, and cancels their fight with the federal Gov.

In the year 2000 when Jesus came to my home I smelled nard. The smell lingered for about three weeks in my home. We find in John 12:3, six days before Jesus was crucified, Mary took a pint of pure nard and poured it on Jesus’ feet and wiped his feet with her hair. Judas Iscariot rebuked Mary saying that Nard is an expensive perfume. It was worth a years wages and it should have been sold and the money given to the poor. He was saying that because he was a thief and he was the keeper of the money bag and he would steal from it. Just like the officials of California collaborate with the insurance companies to cancel everyones fire insurance before the Santa Ana fires. Just like the Democrats sending all our tax money to Ukraine instead of helping Americans after they lost everything from hurricanes. They just don’t have empathy for their fellow American’s.

On Jan 6 we got about 2-3 inches of snow, and I was going to my daughter’s house about 45 min away. The wind was blowing snow across the highway. I was able to get up to about 60 MPH then in 4 to 5 miles I would have to slow down to 40 mph because of a thin sheet of snow on the road. The Holy Spirit said to me, It could be worse, you could be in the fires in California with the Santa Ana winds. Then the Holy Spirit said to me that He had empathy for everyone that was losing their homes, cars, pets, pictures, and that reminded me of John the Revelator who prophesied of an elder telling him not to weep because there was no one to open the seven seals. Then He told him there was one, the lion of the tribe of Judah and like the Holy Spirit I also felt empathy for the people of southern California, but I also have to be careful. If I don’t pray about it I can do more danger, but like the Holy Spirit I have to have empathy, while being careful. So, I decided to pray on Jan 20, 2025, for the winds to shift and blow the water from the ocean onto the fires to put out the fires unless this would cause more destruction on our Nation, but I have to ask the Holy spirit!

Let me tell you a little about my ministry. When I was pastoring, my congregation asked me one day how I knew what Jimmy Swaggart and John Hagee were going to preach about. I told my congregation that I liked them both and they were both good teachers, but I did not have a clue! They told me that every week we had taught on the same things. I told them that I had never, ever prepared a sermon. I just opened my mouth, and the Holy Spirit spoke through me! Let me tell you why I’m so hated, and always so disliked. It’s because Jesus chose ordinary men for His inner circle, and the Bible said they were un-learned, meaning uneducated. Let me ask all the PHD’s, have your professors taken you by your hand and given you a tour of the White House, or shown you the cave where the Prophet Elijah hid when he was afraid of Jezebel or shown you the mountains where Moses received the tablets of the ten commandments? You must understand, Jesus is still alive, and sent us the Holy Spirit to love us, and lead us, and guide us. And because there is only four days to President Trump’s inauguration, I’m going to pray the wind shifts and blows the water from the ocean to put out the fires from the Santa Ana winds. We must understand when we pray, we must believe it is going to happen. I’m just an ordinary man that did not know when hurricane Helene would hit North Carolina and Tenn, or fires hit the hearts of southern Calif where the Americans were treated like second class citizens, because they backed the wrong candidate. You see, we have to agree with the Holy Spirit, and not a man or a political party. I will tell everyone worldwide that we all fall short of the mark Our God in heaven has set for us. So, God gave his one and only Son to take our place so all we have to do is say My Heavenly Father forgive me, I was wrong and I pray for your perfect will not my will, but your will be done on earth as it is in Heaven.

Let me tell you about a Sin of mind, I have Jesus' anointing on me. When I preach I drew from the right side of my mouth, it’s very embarrassing. I talked to doctors and they are puzzled like me. One doctor of psychology told me that it’s because I was a preacher. They had seen it in scholars that know 3 to 4 languages, and when they speak a language not in their native tongue this happens to them. Because I was prayed for by the believers at the faith fest in Sept. 2024, led by Franklin Graham, I was told by the Holy Spirit it's my anointing of opening blind eyes that was given to me. Please read John 9:5-8, “While I am in the world, I am the light of the world.” Having said this, he spit on the ground, made some mud with the saliva, and put it on the man’s eyes. “Go,” he told him, “wash in the pool of Siloam” (this word means sent). Which means God’s Prophets in the last days will be sent. First and second Peter warns us that in the last days we will have enemies in and out of the church. Proverbs 3:5 “Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and lean not on your own understanding; In all your ways acknowledge and he will make your paths straight. Do not be wise in your own eyes; fear the Lord and shun evil. This will bring health to your body and nourishment to your bones.”

My dominant gift of the Holy Spirt is the gift of knowledge, that’s knowing things that no person has told me. For example, the Holy Spirit has shown me in my spirit where someone is hurting or sick, and I tell them so they can have faith to be healed. That makes some think that has to be witchcraft, because they cannot understand it. Everyone should know that I have God’s approval, because I have 100% of being correct and the Bible said if a prophet doesn’t have 100% of being correct, do not listen to him or her. Only God’s prophets have be correct 100%. No one can obtain that unless the Holy Spirit is speaking through them. Just like the fires in Calif, Biden’s supporters ALL need to repent and ask forgiveness in our Lord Jesus Christ. The Biden’s try to take his hatred out on Jesus’ brothers and sisters. Because in Mark 3:33-35, Jesus said: “Who are my mother and brothers? he asked. Then he looked at those seated in a circle around him and said, “Here are my mother and my brothers! Whoever does God’s will is my brother and sister and mother.”

As I watch the confirmation hearing, I could tell if they were D or R by their names, but like God told Abraham our spiritual father, I will Bless those who bless you, and curse those who curse you. Senators: I was embarrassed by some of your questions, no one has asked you to nominate any of these candidates, or judge any of them. They were all chosen by our president Donald J Trump and your only job is to advise and consent, but the Democratic senators were still trying to resurrect their failed campaign. This only made me want to worship Our Lord God Jesus for giving us Donald John Trump. Let me tell everyone that President Trump is a truth teller and for a truth teller even their enemies will be good to them, because God is truth. This Nation was founded on Faith. Many of our forefathers were fleeing from being hunted down and put to death, because they believed Jesus Christ is our Lord God and Savior. You see, Jesus cannot not lie, and said in Nahum 1:2, The Lord is a jealous and avenging God; the Lord takes vengeance and is filled with wrath. The Lord takes vengeance on his foes and maintains his wrath against his enemies. So, I know that God has given everyone a free will, so we all can pray and asked to be forgiven, and we will be forgiven. I could pray and command that wind to do whatever, but like it’s said; God is Jealous of all his children, and his wrath will burn on anyone who has hurt his child. I want to add I heard a news commentator lying about Mark Zuckerberg about now that Trump is president, Mark has changed his mind, because he is firing the fact checkers. I want to tell everyone that I was removed from Facebook because I violated their rules. Naturally, I was upset, but the Holy Spirit told me to just ignore the notice because Mark Zuckerberg had told the fact checker to leave me alone, that I had done nothing wrong. A few days later I was able to publish a new blog. That was months before the election of Nov 5, 2024.                                          

Let me reassure everyone that all the Holy Spirit would have to do is just tell his Prophet to command the winds to blow in such a direction to blow the water from the ocean onto the fires to put out the fires.

Remember me saying the Democratic senators were acting like they were still running. One of my gifts of the Holy Spirit is discerning of the Spirits. I can actually hear what evil spirits are saying, and every satanic spirit tries to divide us. In my book ‘Prophet of God, Write This Down’ I told about Luke 3:33, when the Prophet Elijah and the Prophet Moses appeared in glorious appearance and Apostle Peter wanted to build three shelters; one for Jesus, one for Moses, and one for Elijah. Jesus said NO, because there is only one that can open the seven seals. I have Moses Spirit and I cannot open the seven seals. I have all the gifts of the Holy Spirit, but I did not give my life for anyone. If you would tell the devil I am forgiven in the name of ED EVERETT DORRIS, the Devil would say: Jesus Christ I Know! Forgiveness comes from Jesus!

America, the Rev. King only wanted the people of his nationality be treated on their merit, and I pray for all America be treated the same way no mater anyone’s nationality. We are all descendants of Adam and Eve. My mother was a descendant of a father that was a Cherokee Indian, and her mother was half. I looked like my Dad, but my grandfather and Grandmother treated me like I looked like them. I was born with cotton white hair and they adored me and would make over me. My grandfather on my mother’s side was 6’3” and when I was a child and we played cowboy and Indians, I always wanted to be the Indians, because my grandfather and grandmother loved me so much. I think the same thing about the church, we have to love one another because our savior loved us so much. I can command broken bones be healed, cancer to be gone, and it happens in the name of Jesus Christ! Let me quote Revelation 3:14-15, To the church in Laodicea, These are the words of the Amen, the faithful and true witness, the ruler of God’s creation. I know your deeds, that you are neither cold nor hot. I wish you were either one or the other! So, because you are lukewarm-neither hot or cold I am about to spit you out of my mouth. You say, I am rich: I acquired wealth and I do not need a thing.’ But you do not realize that you are wretched, pitiful, poor, blind and naked. I counsel you to buy from me gold refined in fire, so you can become rich; and white clothes to wear, so you can cover your shameful nakedness; and salve for your eyes, so you can see.

Now, why I had sympathy for Adam Schiff. When I was 30 years old I had a dream, it was more of a nightmare. I had died and I was standing before the great white throne of God almighty and the prosecutor said in a loud voice, ‘this man cannot enter heaven because he a thief.’ Then he began telling how I had stolen a used roll of paper towels from the Railroad. I immediately thought: No: I have not! Then he began telling how a co-worker had put them in my Case, and I was getting ready to go on vacation for three weeks, so I had set them on my work bench in my garage, and had forgotten them. I knew he was telling the truth, and I began to agree with the prosecution. My legs were about to fail me and then I remembered, I do not have any legs because it was my soul that was standing before the great white throne of God. Then just as I had lost all hope that I was going to spend all eternity in a lake of fire, I heard a loud voice! FATHER: HE BELONGS TO ME! Then I heard a loud voice say, ‘Welcome my Child!’

Remember Peter said, ‘you will never wash my feet.’ We have to allow Jesus to be our king and the Lord of our lives in order to hear the words ‘Welcome good and faithful servant!’ Just think Adam Schiff, a 5’11” man would be so frightened of a pretty little 5’4” woman which is actually very pretty because she looks like my oldest daughter who went to be with our Lord God in Aug 2021. What Mr. Adam Schiff doesn’t know is he's not afraid of her, he’s afraid of being found out who he really is. He’s just an ordinary man that needs a loving God. I could hear a satanic spirit tormenting him like he was trying to do with Donald J Trump. They were telling him he lied on President Trump to make himself important and that he himself was just an unimportant person like my Dad had told me all my life. Like when I was a baby and could not crawl or turn over but only lay on the floor on a blanket and weighed about 8 lbs. My dad who weighed 170 lbs. whipped me with his belt. I was no danger to him, but he hated me because I had the anointing of the Lord Jesus on me. Because when Jesus came to my house in the year 2000, Jesus told me He had called me to be his prophet before I was conceived in my mother’s womb. My mother had the gift of Love. And that’s the greatest gift that anyone could have. It says in 1 John 4:18, “There is no fear in love. But perfect love drives out fear, because fear has to do with punishment. The man who fears is not made perfect in love.”

When I was 17 years old and a senior in high school, my dad kicked me out of the house, but before he did he tried to hit me with his fist. He could not hit me. I was too fast for him. I ducked, bobbed and weaved and thought how easy it would be to hit him, but I knew that would hurt my mother more than him. So I went to live with my older brother and tried to register in high school where he lived  about 30 miles away. I was told my brother did not have guardianship and so they would not let me, so when I turned 18 I went with a friend to the Air Force recruiter. He told me without a high school diploma he would not even talk to me, so I waited for him to process my friend to be tested in Detroit the next week. When we were getting ready to leave, the recruiter said to me, ‘if you want to go with your friend next week I will send you also, but he warned me that it was impossible, because there is no one without a diploma that could pass that test. So, the next Monday morning at 5:00 am we were in Detroit and an instructor told us we all would have 4 hours in the morning and 4 hours after lunch to answer as many questions as we could for three days. I read the test and I thought how easy the test was, I knew all the answers. So, the next Monday at 8am we went back to the recruiter’s office and the recruiter said to my friend, sorry you failed the test. We both stood up to leave and the recruiter said to me, ‘where are you going?' I replied. ‘You said we failed the test.’ He replied, ‘NOT you, you not only passed it, but they want you bad. They will test you again then talk to you.’ I did not understand, but was happy to be an Airman. After they tested me again they offered to send me to the Academy and if I would not go to the Academy, they would give me my choice of jobs. I thought my Dad would not have have lied to me all my life, but after I started reading the Bible I found my dad hated me and also God the LORD Jesus. Because the new testament teaches mercy and grace and he believed we have to follow the laws in the Old testament. He was truly trying to enslave his own son to a life of poverty, because of his pride. He misquoted scripture. He only had an eighth grade education and was jealous that his son would soon have a high school diploma. That’s why he was trying to hit me, because he was so angry at me. He was just like Episcopal Bishop Mariann Edgar Budde who wanted a president to have mercy on the LGBTQ after Jesus Christ died so that everyone could have mercy. But asking our President to forsake his pledges he made to everyone to not be a dictator and judge like Biden because they did not have an R by their names. Jesus already spoke on this matter when he commanded us that we love one another. A president does not have that kind of authority because everyone will stand before the great white throne seat, even bishop Budde who believes that presidents are our judge or our Lords, or my dad that believed a small denomination is his Lord and God. I was the one who prophesied of the attempted assassination and had to write it in parables because I knew that they were going to use some weak minded person. We all voted for a president and don’t want him confused with our God. We want Our God’s protection on him. That blog was published May 12, 2023 called Monkey see Monkey do! The young man was hearing on the news how bad the orange man was. Just so you know, I do not call him the orange man. I think he’s a handsome man with a very good looking family. The attempted assassination was July 13, 2023. If you would read first and second peter you would see we are warned in the last days there will be many counterfeit spirts or Anti-Christs or lying spirits. I know that Bishop Budde meant well but she’s trying to weigh President Trump down with garbage, because he's only a man and all any of us can do is pray for him. In one of Clint Eastwood’s movies, he said a man needs to know his limits and let me remind Bishop Budde of her duty that’s written in 2 Timothy 4:2, “preach the word! Be ready in season and out of season. Convince, rebuke, exhort, with all long suffering and teaching.” And Bishop Budde is doing just what Judas Iscariot did and playing politics with Jesus’ crucifixion on the cross. WE MUST ALL UNDERSTAND, IT'S ONLY THOSE WHO BELIEVE AND OBEY JESUS. THE ONLY COMMAND JESUS GIVES US: LOVE ONE ANOTHER. THAT INCLUDES OUR PRESIDENT AND JUST TO REMIND YOU, WE ARE TO PRAY FOR OUR LEADERS!

Now, let me try to explain the drew that comes from the right side of my mouth. It is for opening blind eyes. We are all given free will, but God allows the Devil to test us all, and when the Holy Spirit gave me the gift of knowledge, and I tell others I am opening spiritual eyes. The reason this happens when I preach is I’m in love with the Holy spirit and this is my test to humble myself and show everyone my love. When someone is healed, it is not because of me, it is because of what Jesus did on that old wooden cross. I’m just showing my appreciation and love for Jesus, and people like Bishop Budde is trying to tie president Trump hands, but he is supposed to keep his pledges to us, like we are all supposed to pray for him because he’s our leader. We all have free will and all the Holy Spirit would have to do is tell his prophet to speak to the Santa Ana winds to blow in a direction to blow the ocean waters on the fires and put them out, but the Holy Spirit is not easily manipulated. Just read some of my blog and they go where I tell them. I speak to hurricanes and tornadoes, and storms and they always obey because I speak in the name of Jesus Christ and the Bishop is supposed to have the same Spirit that I have. The Holy Spirit that was given to all believers.

To share how I know the voice I hear is from God, the voice I hear is from my heart, not from my head. This is how I am positive that the voice is from God. God is the only one who can talk to my heart. When the devil speaks, he speaks to the head not the heart.

my heart belongs to God and his voice is the only who can speak to my heart.



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